Delta Broadcasting Service Asaba

Delta Broadcasting Service Asaba, alongside its sister station Delta Broadcasting Service Warri began its corporate life, with the creation of Delta State on August 27 1991 by the Ibrahim Babangida administration . After State’s creation, Delta State government was headed first by Group captain Luke Chijiuba Ochulor, who put in place a formal Broadcast facility, known as Delta Broadcasting Service, presumably, with corporate headquarters at Asaba the State capital, but with an operational base in Warri.
Delta Broadcasting Service Asaba, and by extension Delta Broacasting Service Warri, are bound by a common mission statement, the provision of quality, objective,factual and balanced reportage as well as analysis of events and development with rich informative, educative and entertainment content, using the most sophisticated broadcast equipment for total Radio and Television communication experience.
It is important to give the historical context of the mission statement, namely; the development of the Delta Broadcasting Service project. The project began originally in 1991 as an Omnibus facility, with a single General Manager and Chief Executive Officer (.C.E.O) Dr. Christopher Egueke, who was replaced in September 1994 by Mr. Donald Oveberedjo, who resigned early in 1998. Mr. Ephraim Osubor became the General in 1998 a position he held till 2001.Mr. Osubor gave way to Mr. Idowu Oritsejafor in 2O01 and he continued as a single Chief Executive officer, until the Omnibus DBS was split into DBS Asaba and DBS Warri in April 2001 by His Excellency Chief James Onanefe Ibori’s democratically elected administration. It is the important historical point that defines Delta Broadcasting Service Asaba and Delta Broadcasting Service Warri as two sister stations sharing a common mission.
The vision of Delta Broadcasting Service Asaba is fundamentally to make the broadcast facility a choice brand that should appeal to the expectations and sensibilities of its listenership and viewership.
Corporate Service Profile:
Information dissemination, Entertainment and public enlighten propagation of government policies and programmes, and advertising of goods and services of clients.
At present, DBS Asaba has seven Departments which comprise:

  1. PROGRAMMES DEPARTMENT: This Department is the bedrock of the broadcast organization, broadly charged with the responsibility of providing entertainment, public enlightenment, education as well as sensitization functions, consistent with the values and precepts of nation building.
  2. NEWS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT: This constitutes aspects of the departmental structure plays the sensitive role of complementary pivot of programmes department. It broadly carries out the responsibility of information dissemination, enlightenment and social orientation through current affairs production intended to complement the basic programming function associated with the programmes department.
  3. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: This department links and transmits programmes,news as well as maintenance of the equipment.
  4. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible for the day to day running of the establishment, maintaining order, promotions,training of staff and other disciplinary actions.
  5. MARKETING DEPARTMENT: It is the revenue generating department; they sell the airtime for money which is used to maintain equipment as well as relevant issues.
  6. ACCOUNT/FINANCE DEPARTMENT: They manage the finances of the station.
  7. SPECIAL DUTIES DEPARTMENT: They conduct outside operation of the Radio/TV, as well as maintenance of the physical environment.
    THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER : There are four units under the General Manager’s Office and they are;
    a. Public Relation Unit: It is the eye of the Establishment and also the image maker, they help to build trust and credibility with our public and also give awareness about the organization. This unit defines, control and distribute its message to those inside and outside the Establishment.
    b. Internal Audit Unit: The Audit unit, audits revenue generation and expenditure in the establishment.
    c. Legal Unit: The unit handles the legal matters of the Establishment.
    d. ICT Unit: The ICT is responsible for the organization’s new media. Creates and sustains online presence through live streaming of News and programmes,handling social media updates and information updates concerning the Establishment.
    It is important to note that the Administrative, Finance, Marketing Departments as well as the Pulic Relations unit, Legal Services and the ICT unit are serving arms to broadcasting, while the main broadcasting are arms are Programmes, Engineering and News/Current Affairs Departments.

Fundamentally, the motion of a corporate DBS Asaba coalesces into mission, vision, organizational structure and behavioral code. These valves have collectively ensured that a smooth order of precedencies has guided the transition from one corporate leadership to another, between the dispensation of the pioneer head of DBS Asaba, Mr. Idowu Oristsejafor and the present dispensation typified by Mrs Jobome-Emetulu Christiana, that order of transition has been progressively represented thus:
Sir, Austin Ngozi Mowah, who replaced Mr. Idowu Oritsejafor; June 2010- June 2012, Barrister Albert Oromena Oshogbor: June 2012 to 2013: Mr. Godwin Eruobaga 2013 to May 2015; Lady Evelyn Binitie 2015- September 6th 2020; Mr. Frankwhite Osabohien September 6th 2020 – 23rd August 2023 and at present Mrs Jobome-Emetulu Christiana September 2023 till date.
In conclusion a determination to effectively play it’s role in a dynamic and competitive broadcast environment has essentially motivated the DBS Asaba project to progressively expanding frontiers of self-articulation.